Travel With Purpose

Opportunities to give back to local communities

Travel with Purpose is a unique experience that goes beyond sightseeing. It connects travelers with local communities, allowing them to engage in meaningful activities that create a positive impact. From supporting community projects like organic farming, plastic-free initiatives, and food banks to exploring Cambodia’s rich culture and natural beauty, our tours offer an opportunity to give back while discovering the heart of this incredible destination. It’s travel that inspires, empowers, and leaves a lasting legacy.

Siem Reap Food Bank

Siem Reap Food Bank Clients & Volunteers, Cambodia

The Siem Reap Food Bank Project provides vital support to families in need.


  • Provide essential nourishment for vulnerable communities.
  • Foster a sense of community and trust between visitors and locals.
  • Aligns with sustainable travel and community development.

Touch A Life

Touch-A-Life, Siem Reap, Cambodia

The Touch A Life Program provides essential support to vulnerable communities.


  • Build a resilient and supportive network that uplifts one another.
  • Empower individuals to create independent, stable income sources.
  • Provide consistent food, education, and healthcare support to families.

Tree Planting Project

Tree Planting, Teuk Chob Community, Siem Reap, Cambodia

The Tree Planting Program in the Teuk Chob Communities is an eco-friendly and sustainable initiative. 


  • Restore the natural environment
  • Support the untouched authentic community.
  • Provide travelers with a unique opportunity to engage in meaningful tasks with the local community.

Happy Meal Program

Happy Meal Program, Siem Reap, Cambodia

The Happy Meal Program provides food, water, education, and the tools needed for children to thrive. Bring hope, health, and happiness to families in need.


  • Provide food to undernourished children
  •  Provide stationery supplies
  •  Provide great meals for the elderly people

Harvest Plastic Project

Travel with Purpose, Harvest Plastic, Cambodia, Sustainable

The Rice for Plastic Program, run in collaboration with the Harvest Plastic, exchanges rice for properly sorted plastic collected from households and the environment.


  • Reduce plastic waste in a safe way
  • Provide rice to help poorer families
  • Educate the community on 4R’s: Reduce, Replace, Reuse & Recycle.

Water Filter Program

Bio Sand Water Filter program, Siem Reap, Cambodia

The Biosand Water Filter Program provides clean, safe drinking water to underserved communities. In this meaningful hands-on project you will participate in making and distributing biosand water filters.


  • Provide safe, clean drinking water
  • Reduce illness caused by contaiminated water
  • Create a meaningful connections between visitors and local people